Monday, April 30, 2012

Birds at the Park

 I'm grateful for the birds at the park. Each time we go to the park, my kids think it's hilarious to chase our little feathered friends. This particular evening, we had arrived home from our trip for a short hour and then had to leave so the realtor could show our home to a potential buyer. So we grabbed dinner on the go and then enjoyed some time at the park. We were NOT expecting to see something as amazing as we did, however. One family, as was their tradition, dropped several dozen hard boiled Easter eggs down the hill, and the birds came zooming in FAST and in BIG numbers. It was soooo cool to watch! There were at least 100 seagulls devouring the eggs. So then my kids took advantage of all the birds around and chased them, giggling like crazy, till it was finally time to head home for bed. What a fun memory for our family.
What are YOU grateful for?

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