Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Good Influence on the Twins

 I'm grateful for my good influence on the twins.  They are so stinkin cute, I just love them. While we were in town, they were distracted during meal times by the coolness of the Reed Fam (that's us), that they weren't eating their food as well. So I thought of a fun idea to take a picture of them when they'd eat a bite of food and then show it to them. It worked like a charm. They were so motivated to eat their food! It also helped that Darcy cooked delicious goodness like the homemade pizza shown here. How could they refuse that for too long? 
 PS) I love that they're both still in their pajamas at lunch time. Can you tell we all relaxed a TON while we were there?  Who wants to get dressed when there's fun to be had?  Good times. :)

What are YOU grateful for?

1 comment:

Darcy said...

My boys would live in their jammies most days if I would let them. Either that or just sleep in their clothes and wear them again the next day...saves on laundry!!