I'm grateful for the marriage seminar Wade and I attended Saturday, "Happily Ever After, Who LIED to me?" Tony Purcell, Garret White, Kim Flynn, and Gerald Rogers were rockstar speakers, inspiring us to go deeper in our marriage. Wade and I have been married for 8 years, and honestly, I feel like the first 7 years were bliss. I'm such an optimist and just stayed positive all the time, often pretending there weren't challenges in our communication or connection. But this last year and a half has been difficult for us. I was in survival mode some days with my depression, not really asking him how he's doing, how he's feeling, etc. Plus, I dropped balls all over the place with the cleaning, cooking, dishes, etc, and our home just didn't feel as peaceful. The last couple of weeks, we've been authentic with another, seeking CHANGE. We decided to use this last year of challenges to help catapult us into thriving mode once more. Life is still a roller coaster at times, but we're committed to a rockin' marriage, and we won't settle for less.
What are YOU grateful for?
I'm grateful for new days, power to change, coaches and examples in my life. I'm grateful that I'm learning faster than ever...
I'm grateful for people in my life who care enough to fast for me, and support me whether I ask for it or not...
- Gerald
I think it's so important to acknowledge that even great marriages have trials and struggles. I hate that people often sweep things on the rug and pretend that their marriage is perfect all the time.
thanks for being braver than most!
I am grateful for having such supportive family and friends this past year. Sometimes when life gives you trials,in my life it was cancer, you need to lean on God, your family, whatever will give you the most support. I am grateful each day I wake up feeling good.
We've been married for 32 years and it's had it's ups and downs. A few made us both wonder if we were going to make it together with career changes and internal changes. But we did. and for that I'm grateful. The person you are closest to is your best lesson. They mirror for you all you need to see and possibly change. You do that together for each other.
I am grateful for many things really. My health and my discovered balance, but mostly its the people in my life. I have a core group who surround me that have never given up. I am blessed to be loved by them.
I am grateful for my life in general--its adventures, trials and tribulations from which I can learn, for a supportive environment, and a wonderful soul mate. :)
I'm grateful for a lovely home, a prospering business, my essential oils that just came in the mail... my kitties and my man and my friend who is letting me record in her studio today! WOO! Thanks for the gratitude shoutout reminder!
I'm grateful to be alive and have the opportunity to keep learning and meeting new people.
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