Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt

I'm grateful for our Easter Egg Hunt with the Lauti's. It was freezing cold, snowy, and windy on Friday when we were going to have it that we were joking that we should have believed the weather report and had it Thursday when it was warm and sunny. Idaho weather is so crazy sometimes!  Fortunately, Saturday, even though there was still snow on the ground, it was a warm day again, so were able to have our hunt then. In fact, the bright, colorful eggs looked extra pretty tossed in that fresh, white snow.

Afterwards, we read a Junie B Jones book about the Easter bunny while the kids devoured the candy...with some help from the moms and dads. ;)

What are YOU grateful for?

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks like so much fun Catherine!