Monday, August 22, 2011


I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to teach my children at home. Homeschooling our children was one of the most difficult decisions Wade and I have ever made, but we feel so much peace about it. Discovering the Thomas Jefferson Education totally opened my eyes to the amazing possibilities of a different kind of education. I don't know if we'll keep them home forever. I personally LOVED high school, but since middle school completely destroyed my self esteem, (anyone else feel that way? haha), maybe we'll teach them at home until they go to high school. Or maybe we'll teach them at home for just a few years or have them go to public school in the morning and homeschool them in the afternoon or have them attend a charter or private school in a few years. There are so many options and each child is different. It may not be right for every family, but for now, despite the social pressures we have been overwhelmed with, we know it's right for our family. We have plans for lots of playdates and field trips so we can get out of the house and explore and connect with other families, so that will be fun. I've said before, my soul purpose in life is to teach and empower children, so I'm starting with my own, and I'm genuinely excited about it!

What are YOU grateful for?


Brie said...

I love that you have the courage to do this! All too often people just follow what society has setup and honestly if it were the only way that works, then our society wouldn't so dysfunctional. Just saying. Now I am grateful for the education for the benefits it does provide, however I feel there are just as many if not more benefits to homeschooling. I personally was home schooled and loved it. My neighbor, who has 14kids, home schooled every one of theirs when they got to middle school. They explained to us that they did it that way b/c that's when a child gets the most pressure and the child is the most impressionable. Now their kids are not perfect, however, they are kids that think for themselves, are leaders, and follow their own morals and values. As far as I've experienced, they are better prepared when they enter the world of HS, than most in publicly taught kids. newho keep me posted on how it goes, I'd like to do the same with our daughter.

Darcy said...

The school room looks great! I am sure you are all having so much fun learning together!

Catherine said...

Sabrina, I'm so delighted you started a blog like mine. Way to go girl! And Darcy, I'm grateful for a best friend who cheers me on in my homeschool endeavors even when others have doubted me. You're the best. I love you, my dear!